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RETT Awareness Month in Switzerland
October 1st 2023: RETT Awareness Conference in Zurich:

The Speakers of the Rett Awareness conference in Zurich Switzerland
Left to Right: Prof. Dr. Angus Clarke, Dr. Julia Indera Ramlogan, Prof. Dr. Gerd Kullack-Ublick, Prof. Dr. Stuart Cobb, Justine Ramlogan
Chloe's sister Charlotte playing the guitar
Many families affected by Rett syndrome, medical professionals, therapists and other supporters of raising Rett awareness visited the event
October 2nd 2023: Rett Awareness Lectures in Zugerberg, Zug:

The Institute Montana Zugerberg worked together with the RETT Cure Research Institute to raise awareness for Rett Syndrome

Chloe was present at the event to show in reality to students what it means to live with Rett
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